1489 Ottoman Sultan Bajazet II agrees to pay Pope Innocent VIII 40,000 ducats a year to keep his brother Djem as a "guest"
1569 Battle of Jarnac: French Catholics defeat the Huguenots
1591 Battle of Tondibi: Moroccans defeat Sultan Askia Ishaq II of Songhai
1656 Jews are denied the right to build a synagogue in Nieuw Amsterdam
1792 Battle of Cape Noli: Anglo-Neapolitan and French fleets begin two-day clash
1814 Battle of Reims: Napoleon defeats the Russians
1815 The Congress of Vienna declares Napoleon an outlaw.
1836 The Battle of King's Defeat: Texians routed by a larger Mexican force
1865 The Confederacy authorizes enlistment of 300,000 slaves as soldiers
1884 Mahdists invest Khartoum, defended by George "Chinese" Gordon
1895 Spanish cruiser 'Reina Regente' sinks off Gibraltar, 402 die
1900 Boer War: British capture Bloemfontein
1904 Dedication of the statue of "Christ the Redeemer of the Andes", made from old cannon, to commemorate the peaceful delineation of the frontier between Chile and Argentina
1920 Berlin: The "Kapp Putsch" fails
1921 Mongolia declares independence from China
1933 Hitler makes Josef Goebbels Minister of Information
1942 Bismarck Archipelago: Japanese troops land on Buka, to build an airfield
1942 Julia Flikke, of the Nurse Corps, becomes the first woman colonel in the US Army
1943 Abortive assassination attempt against Hitler during a flight from Smolensk to Rastenburg
1943 The Arakan: Japanese 55th Div attacks the Indian 14th Div
1945 Queen Wilhelmina returns to the Netherlands after nearly five years of exile
1945 The Arakan: Indian 26th Div makes an amphibious "end run" to trap Japanese troops
1954 General Giap's Viet Minh attack Dien Bien Phu
1955 Accession of Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev as King of Nepal (1955-1972)
1957 Havana: Anti-Batista demonstration sparks bloody rioting1
963 Russians conduct two reconnaissance flights over Alaska
1979 New Jewel Movement overthrows the Gairy dictatorship in Grenada and imposes its own
1981 Bulgarian agent Mehemet Ali Agca attempts assassination of Pope John Paul II
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Redigert: 14. mars 2020
Today in Military History (13 March)
Today in Military History (13 March)
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