36 BC Ovation for Octavian for the defeat of Sextus Pompeius in Sicily by Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa (who only got the corona rostrata)
1002 St. Brice's Day Massacre: King Ethelred II initiates the slaughter of all Danes in England
1093 Battle of Alnwick: Earl Robert of Northumbria defeats King Malcolm III of Scotland
1239 Battle of Gaza: Ayyubids defeat the Crusaders
1474 Battle of Hericourt (near Belfort): The Swiss defeat Charles the Bold of Burgundy
1642 Battle of Turnham Green: The Royalist forces attempting to capture London are blocked by the Parliamentarian army and retreat
1775 Americans under Maj Gen Richard Montgomery capture Montreal
1776 John Paul Jones captures British transport 'Mellish'
1830 Publication of Oliver Wendell Holmes' poem "Old Ironsides," which helps save the famed frigate from the scrap heap
1862 Battle of Holly Spring, Ms
1914 Battle of El Herri: Morrocan Berbers defeat the French, who lose badly; c. 620 French KIA to 185 Berber
1918 German veterans form the ultra-nationalist Stahlhelm
1935 Anti-British riots in Egypt
1941 The New York City public schools hold a practice air raid drill; 1.1 million children take part
1942 Minimum US draft age reduced from 21 to 18
1942 Naval Battle of Guadalcanal, Day 2: A USN/RAN task force suffers heavily in a predawn clash with a Japanese squadron
1943 B-24s from Funafuti and Canton bomb Tarawa and Makin, in the Gilberts.
1944 TF 38 begins two days of air raids on Japanese on Luzon
1970 Lt Gen Hafez al-Assad becomes PM of Syria in a coup, 2000 die, he rules until 2000, when his son Bashar takes over (2000-) .
1982 Vietnam War Memorial dedicated
1995 Islamist terrorists bomb the US Office of Program Management for Saudi Arabian National Guard Modernization in Riyadh, 7 die
2015 Islamist suicide terrorist attacks in Paris kill 130, wound hundreds
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Today in Military History (13 November)
Today in Military History (13 November)
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