539 BC Cyrus the Great of Persia captures Babylon
1346 Battle of Durham: The English defeat the Scot
1651 Battle of Worcester: defeated King Charles II tries to flee to France
1739 Cardinal Alberoni seizes San Marino in a coup (liberated Feb 1740)
1777 British General John Burgoyne surrenders at Saratoga
1781 British General Lord Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown
1813 Battle of Leipzig, Day 2: Austrians, Russians, Prussians, v. Napoleon
1815 Napoleon arrives at St Helena
1860 Battle of Isernia: Piedmontese defeat the Neapolians
1861 Skirmishing around Frederickstown/Ironton, Mo (to 21st)
1870 Leon Gambetta escaped Prussian besieged Paris aboard the balloon "Armand-Barbès"
1894 Ohio National Guard rescues a black man from a lynch mob, 3 whites killed
1912 First Balkan War: Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia exchange declarations of war with Turkey
1916 Battleship 'Arizona' (BB-39) commissioned at the Brooklyn Navy Yard
1917 First British air raid over Germany
1922 1st US carrier take-off: Virgil C. Griffin in a VE-7SF off 'Langley' (CV 1)
1933 Albert Einstein arrives in US, a refugee the Nazis
1941 The 'U-568' damages the USS 'Kearny' (DD-432) near Iceland, 11 killed and 22 injured
1942 Papua: Heavy fighting at Eorea Creek on the Kokoda Trail
1943 Japanese recon plane from sub 'I-36' scouts Pearl Harbor
1943 Japanese recon plane from sub 'I-37' scouts Kilindini Harbor, Kenya
1943 New Guinea: 9th Australian Div beats off Japanese at Finschhafen
1943 USS 'Tarpon' (SS-175) sinks the German raider 'Michel' in the Bonin Is, south of Japan
1946 Juan Peron becomes President/Dictator of Argentina for the first time (1946-1955 & 1973-1974)
1967 Pete Knight reaches 85 km in X-15
1978 Congress restores Jefferson Davis' citizenship
2001 Anthrax is discovered in a Senate office building