49 BC Pompeian forces retreat from Ildera, Spain, pursued by Caesar
455 Rome was sacked King Gaiseric and the Vandals, capturing Empress Licinia Eudoxia and her daughters
597 Æthelberht of Kent becomes the first Christian king in Britain, baptized by St. Augustine of Canterbury
1070 The Danes under Hereward the Wake sack Peterborough Abbey
1183 Battle of Kurikara: Japanese Minamoto clan defeats the Tiara
1183 Saladin captured Aleppo from the Zengids
1424 Battle of L'Aquila: The Angevins defeat the Bracceschi
1442 Alfonso I of Aragon takes Naples, with a little help from Procopius
1525 Battle of Konigshafen: German Tauber rebels defeated
1635 John Milton joins The Honourable Artillery Company of London
1635 Pietro Cesare Alberti lands in Nieuw Amsterdam, the Big Apple's first Italian settler
1774 Parliament passes the Quartering Act, billeting troops in private homes
1780 The Gordon Riots (June 2-7): Anti-Catholic rioters run amok in London, attack Parliament, embassies -- at least 285 killed, c. 200 wounded, c. 450 arrested.
1784 Congress disbands the last elements of the Continental Army, save for c. 100 troops guarding supplies at West Point and Ft. Pitt
1794 The French Balloon Corps makes its first operational ascents, supporting the Army of the North at Maubeuge
1864 Battle of Cold Harbor, Day 2
1865 The Confederate Trans-Mississippi Department surrenders to Union forces
1866 Battle of Ridgeway (Ontario): the Canadians defeat invading Fenians, who retreat back to the US, and are arrested
1878 Kaiser Wilhelm I is seriously wounded in an assassination attempt by Dr. Karl Nobling
1910 C.S. Rolls made the first round trip flight across the English channel
1914 Glenn Curtiss flies his 'Langley Aerodrome'
1924 Congress grants citizenship to Native Americans
1928 Nationalist Chinese leader Chiang Kai-shek captures Peking
1936 Gen Anastasio Somoza becomes "President" of Nicaragua
1940 Heavy German bombing of the Dunkirk beachhead
1941 'Long Island' (CVE-1), the first escort carrier, is completed, 88 days after conversion began
1942 Aleutians Campaign: Japanese carrier a/c raid Dutch Harbor
1943 The 99th Pursuit Sqn, with all African-American personnel, flies its 1st combat mission, over Italy
1943 Pope Pius XII denounces aerial bombardment of civilians and is totally ignored by everyone
1953 Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in Westminster Abbey
1969 South China Sea: Australian CV 'Melbourne' rams USS 'Frank E Evans' (DD-754), 74 die
1989 Pro-democracy protests in Tiananmen Square, Beijing
1995 USAF Capt Scott O'Grady's F-16C shot down over Bosnia
2015 Pres. Obama awarded belated Medals of Honor to William Shemin (47th Inf.) and Henry Johnson (369th Inf. -- the "Harlem Hell Fighters") for heroism in WW I
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Today in Military History (2 June)
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