235 Gaius Julius Verus Maximinus - Maximinus Thrax is proclaimed Roman Emperor by the legions at Mainz (235-238)
1631 German Imperial troops sack Magdeburg, 25,000 said to have died
1760 Great Fire at Boston, leaves much of the city in ruins
1800 Battle of Heliopolis, Egypt: the French defeat the Turks
1814 Battle of Arcis-Sur-Aube, Day 1: Austro-Russians v. Napoleon
1815 Napoleon reaches Paris from Elba; The Hundred Days begin
1833 Cdr Geisinger of USS 'Peacock' & the King of Siam negotiate a commercial treaty
1836 Battle of Coleto Creek: A Texian garrison of Goliad surrenders to the Mexican Army
1849 Battle of Cava: Austrians defeat the Piedmontese
1852 Harriet Beecher Stowe's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" is published
1853 The Tai-ping rebels capture Nanking
1890 Kaiser Wilhelm II fires Chancellor Otto von Bismarck
1896 Marines land in Nicaragua to protect US citizens
1922 First US carrier commissioned: 'Langley' (CV-1)
1927 Joseph Goebbels leads the first Nazi pogrom, attacking Jewish shops in Berlin.
1931 Christian Schreiber, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Berlin (1930-1933), warns against National Socialism
1933 The Nazis opened their first concentration camp, at Dachau, near Munich
1937 Battle of Guadalajara: Italo-Nationalist offensive begins
1939 7,000 Jews flee German-occupied Memel, Lithuania
1939 Naval Research Lab proposes the development of nuclear power
1942 Gen MacArthur vows "I shall return"
1942 Major Italo-German air raid on Malta
1943 Tunisia: British attack the Mareth Line
1951 Indonesian Army offensive against the Darul Islam movement on Java
1952 Final ratification of peace treaty restoring full sovereignty to Japan
1995 The Japanese "Aum Shinrikyo" cult disperses sarin gas on the Tokyo subway, 12 die, over 1,300 injured
2003 Widespread coalition airstrikes in Iraq