1258 Naval Battle of Acre: Venetians defeat the Genoese
1287 Battle of the Counts: Ruggiero di Lauria's Aragonese-Sicilian fleet defeats the Angevins of Naples, taking many noble prisoners
1495 The French take Gaeta from the Neapolitans amid the great slaughter
1532 Peace of Nuremberg: HRE Charles V secures peace in Germany by making concessions to the Protestants
1606 Treaty of Vienna: The Habsburgs grant religious freedom to Protestants
1757 Battle of Plassey: Clive's 2,800 troops defeat 50,000 Sirajis
1758 Battle of Krefeld: Anglo-Hanoverians defeat the French
1760 Battle of Landshut: Austrians defeat the Prussians
1784 Edward Warren, 13, takes the first balloon flight in the US
1865 Stand Watie surrenders the last Confederate force still in the field
1898 Spanish blockade runners escape US ships off Havana
1902 Germany, Austria-Hungary, & Italy renew the Triple Alliance for 12 years
1915 First Battle of the Isonzo begins (to Jul 7)
1917 Ammunition factory explosion in Boleweg, Bohemia, c. 1000 die
1917 Japanese DD 'Matsu' is sunk by a German u-boat in the Mediterranean.
1933 USS 'Macon' (ZRS-5) is commissioned, the last Navy rigid airship crashes 1935
1939 France turns the Sanjak of Alexandretta over to Turkey
1940 Hitler orders preparations for an invasion Switzerland
1942 Rommel breaks the Gazala Line and drives on Egypt
1943 Off San Cristobal Island, Japanese sub 'Ro-103' sinks transport 'Aldura' (AK-72) & damages 'Deimos' (AK-78), which has to be scuttled
1943 Trobriand Is: 158th RCT lands on Kirwina
1956 Gamal Abdel Nasser becomes president of Egypt (1956-1970)
1960 US-Japan security treaty signed
1961 Antarctic Treaty goes into effect
1961 USAF Maj Robert M White takes X-15 to 32,830 m
1964 Maxwell Taylor appointed ambassador to South Vietnam
1985 Air India Flight 182 is destroyed by a terrorist bomb off Ireland, 329 die
1990 Moldava declares independence from the Soviet Union
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