1237 Ezzelino III da Romano captures Padua
1450 Francesco Sforza captures Milan, ending the "Ambrosian Republic" (1447-1450)
1451 Pope Nicholas V bans social intercourse between Christians & Jews
1497 Neapolitan/Aragonese troops liberate Taranto from the French
1545 Battle of Ancrum Moor: The Scots defeat the English
1605 Portuguese-held Ambon, in the East Indies, surrenders to a Dutch fleet
1643 Kieft's War begins, with massacres of Indians in New Netherlands.
1746 The '45: The Duke of Cumberland ("Sweet William/Stinking Billy") captures Aberdeen
1831 Battle of Olszynka Grochowska: Polish revolutionaries defeat the Russians
1836 Samuel Colt patents a practical revolver
1896 Battle of Mai Maret: Italians defeat the Abyssinians
1912 Accession of Marie-Adélaïde as first regnant Grand Duchess of Luxembourg (1912-1919), deposed as a German collaborator, d. 1924
1916 Verdun: The Germans capture Fort Douaumont
1932 Austrian immigrant Adolf Hitler belatedly obtains German citizenship
1933 Aircraft carrier 'Ranger' (CV-4) launched, America's smallest fleet carrier
1941 Amsterdam: Massive demonstration against Nazi persecution of the Jews
1942 American-British-Dutch-Australian command in the East Indies is formally dissolved.
1942 Burma: Japanese threaten to flank the 17th Indian Div.
1944 Burma: British, the U.S. and Chinese forces all advance.
1945 First B-29 firebomb raid on Tokyo, burns 10,000 acres
1945 US aircraft carriers attack Tokyo
1950 The Dalai Lama flees Tibet for India as Chinese occupy his country
1954 Military coup ousts Pres Adib el-Shishakli of Syria (July 11, 1953-Feb 25, 1954)