62 BC Battle of Pistoria: Defeat of Cataline's Conspiracy
541 Anicius Faustus Albinus Basilius is appointed Consul by the Emperor Justinian; last known holder of the post that had been established in 509 BC
1066 Accession of Harold Godwinson as King of England (Jan 5-Oct 14, 1055)
1477 Battle of Nancy: Swiss defeat Charles the Bold of Burgundy.
1500 Ludovico "il Moro" Sforza captures Milan
1608 Capt. John Smith is captured by the Indians
1675 Battle of Durkheim: The French defeat the Imperialists
1757 Robert Francois Damiens stabs Louis XV in an unsuccessful assassination attempt
1781 Richmond, Virginia, burned by British forces under Benedict Arnold
1822 The Mexican Empire annexes Central America
1855 Crew of USS 'Plymouth' skirmish with Chinese troops near Canton
1861 Alabama troops seize Forts Morgan & Gaines on Mobile Bay
1875 Cdr Edward Lull, USN, begins a survey of a canal route across Panama
1895 Maj. Alfred Dreyfus is formally degraded and expelled from the French Army in the courtyard of the Ecole militiare
1916 Austria-Hungary attempts another offensive against Montenegro
1919 Organization of the "Free Committee for a German Workers Peace", which Adolf Hitler will later infiltrate as an Army intelligence operative, and then join, and help turn it into the "National Socialist German Workers Party"
1919 Spartacist uprising in Berlin, state of siege proclaimed
1929 Abortive coup in Yugoslavia
1940 Battle of Suomossalmi: The Finns begin a counteroffensive, inflicting a devastating defeat on the Soviets
1942 Bataan: Fil-Am troops begin consolidating the defenses
1942 Burma: British reinforcements (elms 17th Indian Div) arrive.
1942 Japanese 48th Div begins moving from the Philippines to Java
1942 Malaya: Japanese troops continue to advance.
1943 Burma: Japanese hold the British before Akyab,
1943 Guadalcanal: Army engineers bridge the Matanikau River
1944 New Guinea: US-Aussie offensives struggle towards Kelanoa.
1945 Northern Burma: Chinese advance, crossing the Shweli River
1961 US breaks diplomatic relations with Cuba
1968 Lt Clarence W. Cote becomes the first male officer in the Navy Nurse Corps
1969 USSR launches Venera 5 - will make 1st successful planetary landing on Venus