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Base Hospital 34 In The World War (1922) By Edmund M. Pitts


Base Hospital No. 34 was organized in April, 1917, at the Episcopal Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., and was mobilized there on September 7, 1917. On September 8, the organization proceeded to Camp Crane, Allentown, Pa., where it was trained and equipped. On November 21, the unit was transferred to Camp Mills, Long Island, N. Y., to await transportation abroad. It embarked December 14 on the Leviathan, leaving New York the next day for Liverpool, England, where it arrived December 25, 1917. It proceeded from Liverpool by rail to Southampton and crossed the channel on the night of December 25, arriving in Le Havre, France, December 26. From Le Havre the unit was sent to Blois, France, for further orders; from there it was as signed to its permanent station at Nantes, Loire Inferieure, in base section No. 1. It arrived at Nantes January 8, 1918, and took over GrandSéminaire, a four-story brick structure, which before the war had been used as a Catholic seminary. In addition to this, numerous wooden buildings were erected, and later when more space was required a normal-school building was leased and opened October 19, 1918. This latter addition was used as an annex for sick and wounded officers. Of the four hospitals that formed the Nantes hospital center, Base HospitalNo. 34 was the first to arrive. It acted independently until July 29, 1918, when the hospital center was organized The first patients were received April 2, 1918; from then until January 16, 1919, 9,080 sick and wounded were treated. The normal capacity of the hospital was 1,300 beds; the largest number of patients in hospital was 1,527 on November 6, 1918. On January 16, 1919, Evacuation Hospital No. 36 relieved Base Hospital No. 34. The unit of Base Hospital No. 34 sailed from St. Nazaire on the Walter A. Luckenbach, April 9, 1919. It arrived in the United States April 19, 1919, and was demobilized at Camp Dix, N. J., April 27, 1919.


A very rare book on this Hospital's service history.


  • Hard Cover
  • 324 Pages 
  • In Good Condition

Base Hospital 34 In The World War (1922) By Edmund M. Pitts

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